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Viagra Cream With No Side Effects: Is It In The Pipeline?

There is a wide range of creams-erection stimulants. As a rule, they may be referred to remedies of the first aid. They are useful when you have no possibility or have counter-indications to other ED treating medications.

Creams, gels and sprays are divided into two categories:

  1. Medications vasodilating penis cavernous bodies promoting blood flow and considerable erection boost.
  2. Prolongators enhancing duration of erection

Let us examine the first group more thoroughly. Remedies for erectile functioning boost are produced in the form of creams; whereas sprays for this purpose do not exist (they can only prolong erection). They should be applied directly on sexual organ, mainly on balanus. The effect occurs in several minutes and lasts around two-three hours.

Viagra Creams or Tablets: What to Choose?

Viagra Cream With No Side Effects Is It In The Pipeline

Notwithstanding the fact that some doctors do not treat creams for ED not well, sometimes they are the better choice in comparison with tablets.

Why then?

  • The pill gives a shorter effect as opposed to the cream.
  • If you are planning a romantic dinner with alcoholic beverages, you should bear in mind that medicinal products are not to be combined with ethanol.
  • Tablets take systemic influence on the whole organism and have a number of adverse effects. Tablets are important when a man has strong erectile disorder, impotency or absence of desire.

In case your erection is low resulting from weariness and other causes not connected with health issues, it is better to opt for creams boosting erectile function. Since creams for ED improvement are applied locally, they do not cause any side-effects on organism. Besides, they may be a perfect lubricant.

It is worth mentioning that in some cases a woman may experience slight itching of burning on sexual organs. This effect occurs very seldom and disappears very fast. In case the burning feeling remains, it is recommended using a preservative. According to medical experts, these creams are quite efficient and qualitative products.

Creams for Potency Boost

Light analgesic effect of these creams does not cause any harm to male organism. These remedies do not have counter-indications excluding hypersensitivity to remedy’s ingredients. The creams take their action right from the moment of application. Moreover, due to the fact that their chemical composition is rather similar, a man may choose the medication for the most reasonable price.

The remedy is applied on penis by covering it on balanus. Sometimes men feel unconfident of successful sexual intercourse. In this case, cream would be very helpful.

When Are Creams Useless?

Erection boosting creams may be useless in case your problem is explained by absence of desire, impotency, etc. In case your erectile issues occurred due to age, weariness, and stresses, they will be of considerable assistance.

Viagra Cream Development

25 years ago, Viagra first appeared on pharmaceutical market and became irreplaceable for men suffering from erectile dysfunction all over the globe. But since Viagra and its analogues are helpful for not everyone, special cream should be useful in such cases.

Viagra and other medications improving blood stream to pelvic organs have helped to dozens of millions of men to take pleasure of sexual life again. But therapy with these medicines for some men become ineffective, others may have counter-indications to their ingredients due to side-effects development. Moreover PDE5 inhibitors are contraindicative to people suffering from severe cardio-vascular diseases. Thus, it is quite possible that this group of patients will acquire a very effective remedy booing potency. In the U.S. pharma companies have started clinical trials of cream improving erection. The cream was elaborated with aim at toning of penis. It contains sildenafil acting in the capacity of active substance (in Viagra as well). The New York researchers packed the remedy in nanoparticles easily penetrating through skin.

Small pilot trial was conducted on 18 rats with genetically induced erectile dysfunction. Eleven of them taking experimental cream experienced improvement of condition, whereas seven rats with empty nanoparticles didn’t have any significant change.

This healing ointment should be rubbed in penis right before planned sexual intercourse. The main advantage of the cream it its local application. After its usage, the amount of penetrated in blood sildenafil is as twenty times as lower than after peroral intake. Danger of side-effects development decreases correspondingly (strong headache, blushing, nausea, etc.). Another benefit of Viagra cream lies in the fact that it doesn’t require doctor’s prescription, since overwhelming majority of ED remedies may be bought only with specialists’ confirmation.

U.S. vs UK Developments

Scientists from British and American pharmacological companies have almost simultaneously realized that ED solution lies in creation of local administration remedy, since it may reduce the occurrence of side-effects considerably. Scientists from various countries have chosen various ways for realization of this purpose. U.S. medical experts have elaborated cream of rubbing in penis containing sildenafil which is a key component of Viagra blue pills.

In the UK a cream for erectile dysfunction therapy under the trade name Vitaros with active substance alprostadil was approved. Alprostadil was used earlier for sexual problems treatment, but in a rather sophisticated form: a man had to inject the remedy in penis by means of syringe before sexual intercourse. This fact limited the administration of alprostadil, since not everyone was ready to fulfill this uneasy operation for experiencing several romantic minutes.

U.S. vs UK Developments

Cream with alprostadil made the whole task much easier. It is enough to press out a small amount of cream from tube and cover it in balanus. Cream provides the occurrence of erection within five-thirty minutes. This magic ointment is available only on doctor’s prescription.

Vitaros Description

Vitaros-DescriptionAlprostadil is a medication of prostaglandin E. It improves microcirculation and peripheral blood circulation, and takes angioprotective action. In case of systemic application is causes relaxation of smooth cell muscles, takes vasodilating action, decreases peripheral vascular resistance, and reduces arterial blood pressure. Moreover, reflectory increase of cardiac output and fatal accident rate are observed. It improves blood rheological properties enhancing elasticity of erythrocytes, and reducing aggregation of thrombocytes and activity of neutrophilic leukocytes. Alprostadil increases blood fibrinolytic potential.

It blocks alpha adrenergic blocking agents in penis tissues, takes soothing action on unstriated muscles of cavernous bodies, promotes increase of blood supply and improvement of microcirculation. Enlargement of cavernous arteries and vessels of trabecular unstriated muscles of cavernous bodies leads to fast increase of blood stream and dilation of lacunas in cavernous bodies. Venous reflux through vessels located under albugineous coat is limited resulting in stimulation of erection development. The onset time is within 5-30 minutes; the effect lasts one-three hours.

Vitaros is indicative in case of neurogenic, vascular, psychogenic or mixed-etiology erection.

It’s benefits are as follows:

  • Minimum quantity of adverse effects.
  • It is user-friendly and pretty easy-to-apply. Just moisten and rub it in penis and feel the result within a couple of seconds.
  • High-rate action makes possible to have perfect erection within 5-30 minutes.
  • You may avoid side-effects due to its local application. Tablets may result in side-effects (for 1 individual out of 3). Thus, tablets are contraindicative to men suffering from cardiac angina or other cardio-vascular pathologic conditions.

Storage Requirements

Keep out of reach of animals and children. Do not store Vitaros in freezer. If the packages are unopened, you may keep them in the fridge at 4-8°C. Store the packages out of the fridge below 25°C not longer than three days before coitus. Apply Vitaros cream right after opening. Dispose of the remaining cream. Do not use it upon expiration date indicated on the package.

Safety Note

This cream may also be dangerous in the following cases:

  • Underlying risk for intolerability to alprostadil;
  • Possible ineffectiveness for ED treatment. Generally this is the case of the patients with severe development of impotency. For those who had beneficial effects from Vitaros intake reported an initial stage of ED. At the same time patients suffering from advanced stage of this disease will unlikely feel the effect of this remedy.

Vitaros Counter-Indications

The list of Vitaros contraindications runs as follows:

  • Age under 18 years;
  • Hypersensitivity to remedy’s ingredients;
  • Affects ability to drive a car or operate machinery;
  • Pregnancy, lactation.
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